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Here are some ways that you can connect with the Teacher Education, Certification and Accreditation team at 166 Taylor Education Building (166TEB).

You can contact our office via phone at 859-257-7971

  • press 1 for Undergraduate Advising in the College of Education
  • press 2 for Admission to TEP and Teacher Certification,
  • press 3 for College of Education Scholarships and Academic Actions,
  • press 4 for Matters Relating to Accreditation, and for the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Planning
  • press 5 for matters relating to the College of Education Courses and Curricula Committee press 6 for an Operator.

Teacher Education, Certification and Accreditation uses Microsoft Teams

The team members are also regular users of Zoom. Calls to any of our office phone numbers will also “ring” on Teams, and voice mails will be accessible from Teams. This means that when you call us, we can answer and monitor your voice mails anywhere on and off campus.

Want to have a Video Chat with one of our team members?

When you call, leave your name and number, and invite us to call you using audio or video chatting.

Have a question, but you aren’t sure which team member might have the answer?

Send us an email at . All of the team members monitor that common office account, and some one will get back with you to help with your question or problem.

Even though we may not be in the office, our team does want to hear from you and to provide the services that you expect. Give us a call, send an email, chat with us on Teams, or schedule a Zoom meeting and we can connect with you!

Where We Are Located

Our address is 597 S. Upper Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508

Enter the building on the Scott Street side. Enter at the breezeway between Dickey Hall and Taylor Education Building. Turn left immediately upon entering the Taylor Education Building and proceed forward to the 166TEB suite.