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Group youth advocates of the year photo


We are incredibly excited to announce that our Youth Advisory Board has been selected by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids as the Group Youth Advocate of the Year. We could not be
prouder of this wonderful group of high school leaders as they are honored for their advocacy efforts this year and dedication to protecting their peers from underage nicotine use. As we reflect on the work of our YAB this past school year, we would like to not only congratulate them on their achievement of winning this award but also commend them for all they have done to support tobacco-free lives for youth in Kentucky. 

In February, our group had two very prominent successes following months of planning. On February 14th, our Youth Advisory Board helped support the first ever Kentucky Youth Tobacco Control Conference hosted in Frankfort, where over 80 Kentucky high school students engaged with multiple educational panels, a motivational keynote speaker, and each other in working "together towards tomorrow," which served as the event's theme. Our YAB was thoroughly involved in both the planning and execution of this day alongside our state partners.

Following the Conference on the 14th, the YAB rallied at the Kentucky State Capitol on February 15th during the Ignite KYouth: Enforce Tobacco 21 Youth Advocacy Summit. On this day, nearly 100 Kentucky middle school- to high school-age youth convened to advocate for stronger enforcement of the Tobacco 21 law in our state. Throughout the day, students met with over 25 legislators, including those in key positions to advance our efforts, engaged with one another to share experiences and stories across the state, and rallied around the Capitol complex to educate the public on the issue and our efforts. During our time in the Capitol rotunda, students heard from our Youth Advisory Board regarding their personal experiences with nicotine use in their schools and communities as well as from a motivational speaker. Additionally, our YAB members played integral roles in leading groups through various advocacy activities. The YAB planned this event from start to finish, and it could not have been a greater success in advancing youth-oriented tobacco control goals across the state.

This award is a reminder of how essential the youth voice is to tobacco-free efforts in Kentucky
and across the nation. Authentic youth leadership and adult engagement of youth in advocacy is
as important a component as any. We are tackling an issue that primarily impacts young people;
thus, it is evermore pertinent that those affected be heard and looked upon to lead our

We thank the Campaign for Tobacco-Free kids for their ongoing support of youth advocates
everywhere and for recognizing our YAB as the young leaders they are.