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Kathleen Aspiranti
170H Taylor Education Building
(859) 257-6697

Dr. Aspiranti is the program director for the PhD and EdS School Psychology programs. She received her Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. She completed her pre-doctoral training through the Tennessee Internship Consortium with a focus on assessment and intervention for children with autism. She worked as a school psychologist in a rural public school district and holds her professional license in psychology. She has provided consultation services to various school districts across Kentucky. She leads the KASPIR (Kentucky Academic and behavioral School-based Prevention and Intervention Research) lab. Her primary research interests include the development and validation of academic and behavioral interventions in a school-based setting, particularly using single-case design for students with and without disabilities. Dr. Aspiranti teaches Introduction to School Psychology, Psycho-educational Interventions, Introduction to Counseling Techniques, and Social Psychology. Please contact Dr. Aspiranti if you have questions related to the School Psychology Ed.S. or Ph.D. programs.

Dr. Aspiranti's Vita