Haley Bergstrom, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Haley Bergstrom received her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2014. She is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with distinction (CSCS,*D) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Her research explores questions related to two primary areas of focus: 1) the non-invasive assessment of muscle function and fatigue; and 2) the mathematical modeling of human performance. These methodologies are used to examine exercise and nutritional interventions to delay the onset and mitigate the effects of fatigue during anaerobic and aerobic exercise. This involves the non-invasive assessment of neuromuscular function and motor unit behavior, acute and chronic cardiovascular, metabolic, and perceptual responses to resistance, sprint, and endurance training, as well as the effects of nutrition and dietary supplementation on health and human performance across the lifespan.
Research categories: Sports Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Human Performance, Fatigue Thresholds