Association for Education Finance and Policy
The Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) is a non-profit professional and academic association representing a variety of disciplines, perspectives and points of view. The mission of the AEFP is to promote understanding of means by which resources are generated, distributed and used to enhance human learning. The AEFP promotes its mission by:
- Encouraging intellectually rigorous education finance and policy-related inquiry and scholarship capable of improving understanding and practice.
- Distributing theoretical and practically useful knowledge.
Stimulating responsible public and professional deliberation and debate regarding findings, practical policy applications and research methods. - Expanding the spectrum of scholars and practitioners from multiple intellectual disciplines and professional fields examining education finance and policy.
- Encouraging development and expansion of an international community of scholars, policy analysts and professional practitioners concerned for education finance and policy as a field of scholarship and professional activity.
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
The Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) is dedicated to improving public policy and management by fostering excellence in research, analysis, and education. APPAM promotes its mission through the following activities:
- A multidisciplinary annual research conference that attracts the highest quality research on a wide variety of important current and emerging policy and management issues, and is structured to encourage substantive interaction among participants.
- A peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal that publishes the highest quality research on public policy and management.
- A dedication in all activities to respecting and enhancing racial, ethnic, gender, disciplinary, and other forms of diversity among participants in all of the Association’s activities.
- The involvement of policymakers, practitioners, and scholars in the Association’s governance and the Fall Conference.
- Initiatives that include and foster participation in the Association among students interested in public policy and management.
American College Personnel Association
American College Personnel Association (ACPA), headquartered in Washington, D.C. at the National Center for Higher Education, is the leading comprehensive student affairs association that advances student affairs and engages students for a lifetime of learning and discovery.
ACPA, founded in 1924 by May L. Cheney, has nearly 8,500 members representing 1,500 private and public institutions from across the U.S. and around the world. Members include organizations and companies that are engaged in the campus marketplace. Members also include graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in student affairs/higher education administration programs, faculty, and student affairs professionals, from entry level to senior student affairs officers.
ACPA leads the student affairs profession and the higher education community in providing outreach, advocacy, research, and professional development to foster college student learning.
ACPA supports and fosters college student learning through the generation and dissemination of knowledge, which informs policies, practices and programs for student affairs professionals and the higher education community.
The mission of ACPA is founded upon and implements the following core values:
- Education and development of the total student.
- Diversity, multicultural competence and human dignity.
- Inclusiveness in and access to association-wide involvement and decision-making.
- Free and open exchange of ideas in a context of mutual respect.
- Advancement and dissemination of knowledge relevant to college students and their learning, and to the effectiveness of student affairs professionals and their institutions.
- Continuous professional development and personal growth of student affairs professionals.
- Outreach and advocacy on issues of concern to students, student affairs professionals and the higher education community, including affirmative action and other policy issues.
American Educational Research Association
The American Educational Research Association (AERA), founded in 1916, is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.
AERA is the most prominent international professional organization, with the primary goal of advancing educational research and its practical application. Its more than 25,000 members are educators; administrators; directors of research; persons working with testing or evaluation in federal, state and local agencies; counselors; evaluators; graduate students; and behavioral scientists.
The broad range of disciplines represented by the membership includes education, psychology, statistics, sociology, history, economics, philosophy, anthropology, and political science.
American Educational Studies Association
The American Educational Studies Association (AESA) was established in 1968 as an international learned society for students, teachers, research scholars, and administrators who are interested in the foundations of education. AESA is a society primarily comprised of college and university professors who teach and research in the field of education utilizing one or more of the liberal arts disciplines of philosophy, history, politics, sociology, anthropology, or economics as well as comparative/international and cultural studies. The purpose of social foundations study is to bring intellectual resources derived from these areas to bear in developing interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives on education, both inside of and outside of schools.
The role of AESA is to provide a cross-disciplinary forum wherein scholars gather to exchange and debate ideas generated from the above mentioned areas. This cross-disciplinary commitment of the organization creates a landscape for the discussion of broader policy issues such as minority studies, gender studies, multicultural education, democracy, and issues of educational equality and equity. Our membership is dedicated to examining issues in education from a plurality of academic viewpoints and perspectives.
American Evaluation Association
The American Evaluation Association’s mission is to improve evaluation practices and methods, increase evaluation use, promote evaluation as a profession, and support the contribution of evaluation to the generation of theory and knowledge about effective human action.
Association for the Study of Higher Education
The Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) promotes collaboration among its members and others engaged in the study of higher education through research, conferences, and publications, including its highly regarded journal, The Review of Higher Education. ASHE is committed to diversity in its programs and membership, and has enjoyed extraordinary success in involving graduate students in Association activities.
American Sociological Association
The American Sociological Association (ASA) is the national organization for sociologists. Founded in 1905, ASA has over 13,000 members and 52 special interest sections that all aim to advance the study of sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good. ASA holds an annual meeting at various locations around the country and publishes nine academic journals and magazines.
Carnegie Foundation
Founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1905 and chartered in 1906 by an Act of Congress, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is an independent policy and research center whose charge is “to do and perform all things necessary to encourage, uphold, and dignify the profession of the teacher.”
The improvement of teaching and learning is central to all of the Foundation’s work. As we bring together researchers, teachers, policymakers and members of organizations with common interests in education, we work to invent new knowledge and to develop tools and ideas that allow us to foster positive change and enhanced learning in our nation’s schools.
In our first several decades, influential Foundation achievements included the landmark “Flexner Report” on medical education, the development of the Graduate Record Examination, the founding of the Educational Testing Service, and the creation of the Teachers Insurance Annuity Association of America (TIAA-CREF). The Foundation also established the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education and was a leader in the effort to provide federal aid for higher education, including Pell Grants, which assist low- and middle-income students.
In 1997, the Foundation moved from Princeton, N.J., to the San Francisco Bay area. In 2004, the Foundation built on Stanford University land near the campus.
More recently, the Foundation’s work focused on moral, civic and political education; preparation for the professions (law, engineering, clergy, medicine and nursing); reform of the Ph.D.; and field-building work with teachers at all levels to develop new models for documenting classroom practice in ways that other educators can study, adapt and implement. The Foundation continues to work with community colleges to improve basic skills education in that sector.
Today, the Foundation, using both technology and face-to-face communication, is closely examining how new technological tools and digital world social networking can contribute to learning at every level of the education spectrum. Working through arrangements with public education, universities, the commercial sector—and the connections among these enterprises—the Foundation seeks to transform how we develop and support school professionals; the tools, materials, ideas and evidence with which they work; and the instructional opportunities that we afford students for learning.
Comparative & International Education Society
The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Inc., was founded in 1956 to foster cross-cultural understanding, scholarship, academic achievement and societal development through the international study of educational ideas, systems, and practices. The Society’s members include more than 2000 academics, practitioners, and students from around the world.
Their professional work is built on cross-disciplinary interests and expertise as historians, sociologists, economists, psychologists, anthropologists, and educators. The Society also includes approximately 1000 institutional members, primarily academic libraries and international organizations. The official website is sponsored by the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
Over the last four decades, the activities of the Society’s members have strengthened the theoretical basis of comparative studies and increasingly applied those understandings to policy and implementation issues in developing countries and cross-cultural settings. The membership has increased global understanding and public awareness of education issues, and has informed both domestic and international education policy debate. The Society works in collaboration with other international and comparative education organizations to advance the field and its objectives.
Mid-Western Educational Research Association
The mission of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) is threefold: 1) to disseminate educational research conducted in the central states and provinces of North America; 2) to promote a collegial research culture in the region; and 3) to provide a forum for mentoring the research skills of graduate students and junior faculty members.
Membership in MWERA is open to teachers, administrators, graduate students, and educational researchers or professionals from any school, college, or university; from business or industry; or from governmental or private agencies and organizations. The annual dues (January-December) include regular updates from the organization and the MWER journal, and opportunities to share your research with other MWERA members.
NAFSA: Association of International Educators is a member organization promoting international education and providing professional development opportunities to the field. Hundreds of NAFSA members volunteer to serve the Association and thousands advocate for international education.
Sociology of Education Association
The Sociology of Education Association is a specialized organization of scholars from the fields of education and sociology who share a common interest in advancing the study of education through sociological theories and methods. SEA’s holds an annual meeting located at the beautiful Asilomar Beach Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA. The conference typically averages around 75-100 attendees and offers presenters an engaged audience to share their work.