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Jennifer Grisham
621 South Limestone
(859) 797-7983

Jennifer Grisham, Ed.D. is a Professor in the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education program and faculty director of the Early Childhood Laboratory School at the University of Kentucky. She teaches courses in assessment and instructional design/implementation. Dr. Grisham has been named a Teacher who Made a Difference on two separate occasions. Dr. Grisham is co-author of two books on blended practices in early childhood education (Blended Practices in Early Childhood Education (2017, 2005) and Blended Assessment Practices in Early Childhood Education (2022, 2011). As well, she co-authored a book entitled Reach for the Stars: Planning for the Future (2013), which is used to support families of young children to plan for their children’s future and articulate their priorities to educational team members. Dr. Grisham has directed or co-directed numerous state and federal grants in the areas of personnel preparation, program evaluation, training and technical assistance, model development, and research. Her research interests include authentic assessment, tiered instruction, and inclusion of children with disabilities in inclusive preschool settings. In those areas, she has authored/co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. As well, she is frequently asked to provide professional development to state departments of education, universities, and local education agencies on topics on which she conducts research throughout the country. Dr. Grisham is President of the Early Intervention Management and Research Group, where she is part of a team of early intervention professionals from across the country who are responsible for the development and research of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (Bricker, 2002), an early childhood assessment that is used across the United States as a progress monitoring tool for young children birth to six. Dr. Grisham is co-founder of a children’s home and preschool program in Guatemala City called Hope for Tomorrow. Since 2009, she has taken students from the College of Education to Guatemala for a summer education abroad experience. Finally, Dr. Grisham also works internationally in other locations to promote inclusion of young children with disabilities.

Vita (PDF)

Research categories: Early Childhood Education, Disabilities


Recent Publications:

Grisham, J., & Hawkins-Lear, S. How to Work with Young Children at a Distance.<br>In B. Collins, (Ed.). No One Ever Told Me I Would Have to Teach Like That! Guidelines for Special Education Teachers Working with Remote Students. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Shepley, C. N., Grisham-Brown, J., Lane, J. D. et al. Training teachers in inclusive preschool classrooms to collect data on individualied child goals. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education41(4), 253-266.

Zhu, L., Shepley, C. N., Grisham, J. et al. (2022, September). A Brief Parent-Coaching Package for Tiered Language Interventions. Education Sciences12(9).

Toland, M. D., Grisham, J., Waddell, M. et al. (2022, August). Scale Evaluation and Eligibility Determination of a Field-Test Version of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System–Third Edition. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education42(2), 150-161.

Shepley, C. N., Grisham-Brown, J. L., Lane, J. et al. (2022, February). Training Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms to Collect Data on Individualized Child Goals. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education41(4), 253-266.