The Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion offers an exercise science option for students who do not wish to obtain a teacher certification. The exercise science option is for students who plan to work with adults in a variety of sports, healthcare and fitness settings. The Practicum is a class in which students must complete a total of 300 contact hours of “real life” experience in a career field they are interested in pursuing. Students complete 300-work hours minimum for 6 hours credit in one semester or 150-work hours minimum for 3 hours credit per semester over 2 semesters.
The practicum is designed for the student to work in an assortment of situations. For example, if the student was assigned to a physical therapy unit of a clinic or hospital that deals with sports medicine, the student would: 1) assist in the performance of all aspects of adult fitness evaluations including cardiovascular endurance tests, muscular endurance tests, muscular flexibility tests and assist in the evaluation of these tests; 2) assist in pre-season screening of athletic teams; 3) appropriately assist the physical therapy personnel in the performance of their duties; 4) assist with record keeping and office management; 5) help with maintenance of equipment; and 6) contribute to cost efficiency and conservation of resources.
The practicum is intended to meet the students’ needs and interests. Therefore it is important for the student to select the practicum site. This requires careful thought, planning, and initiative on the student’s part to locate an appropriate site. The practicum experience MUST BE in a career field where the exercise science degree serves as the foundation. Students MUST BE enrolled in KHP 577 and have approval of their site from the practicum coordinator before they may begin accumulating practicum hours. For most students, the practicum will take place during the last two semesters of the students’ college career. Therefore, a student should begin thinking about the practicum during the spring of their junior year, making contacts the semester prior to the one in which they are enrolled in to begin their practicum.
The student must work at least 20 hours per week in the fall and spring semesters and at least 25 hours per week in the summer to meet the required 300 hours minimum.